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By Author: Hudson Tuttle born in 1836-1910

Arcana of Spiritualism

A Manual of Spiritual Science and Philosophy


Published in 1904

This 119-year-old book discusses Spiritualism in detail.  The historical author says that he has written this by method of his spiritual experiences, by his masters, invisible spirit. A fascinating exploration into the mind of the author and his historic writings.


Key terms used in this book:  Mediumship, spirit communication, spiritual beings, manifestations, what is death, prophetic dreams, rings of Saturn, psychic science, aura, and much more.


This amazing book has some shelf wear, pages are in beautiful condition and there are some names written inside the page (shown in images).

351-page hardbound book, including a glossary in the back of the book.


A must have for the collector of occult and esoteric studies.

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